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Use these free downloads to help you on your apparel journey.

Manufacturing Checklist

The Checklist for Apparel Manufacturing will help guide you as you take the first steps to manufacturing your apparel product. Use this free checklist as a resource to help you organize what you will need. If you would like more information on each item, be sure to download our complete Guide to Apparel Manufacturing.

Starting your clothing line worksheet

Fill out this worksheet to gain a better understanding of your target market your product, your competition and your next steps.

Stitch Guide

Features: Includes commonly used stitches and their corresponding ISO stitch numbers. This is useful for communicating clearly what type of stitch you want which can be crucial to the final look, design and functionality of the product. Best of all, it's Free!

Editable Techpack template

This template is a blank slate for you to create your garment. This is great for those that have a good foundation and knowledge of points of measure and apparel in general.

This template doesn't have step-by-step instructions on how to use. I recommend joining our Apparel Mentor program for a more in-depth dive into tech packs.

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